Wednesday 30 May 2012

Before You Can Ascend, You Must Descend All The Way |

Before You Can Ascend, You Must Descend All The Way |
The Root Chakra The focus today seems to be on the Heart Center or Chakra of our body.  Everyone, including me, has been offering courses and meditations on how to live from your Heart.
The other day, I was having a conversation with my I Am Presence, and I was given some vitally important information that, at the time, seemed so obvious that I wondered how I could have overlooked it.  Of course, anything is obvious, once you know it.  Before you know it, it’s a complete mystery.  So the joke is truly on me!!
This is the first in a series of blogs to explain how to link your Heart Center with the lower 3 chakras and why this is important.
The ROOT Chakra
Have you ever wondered why the Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine, is actually called the “Root” Chakra?
When I first heard this name, I just assumed it was called this because it was the lowest of the primary (the biggest) chakras in the human body.  This is not incorrect, but nearly so.
Humans actually have a channel that runs from the Crown Chakra on the top of the head to the Root Chakra at the base of the spine.  This channel should be (when clear and clean and open) as wide as your head.  There is also a channel that runs from the Crown Chakra all the way to Godhead.
And… there is a channel that runs from your Root Chakra down to the Earth Star chakra at the bottom of your auric field.  The Earth Star is located 6-8 inches below your feet, so if you are standing up, it is inside the Earth.
Usuualy, when you are told to ground yourself, you are told to open the secondary chakras in the arches of your feet and ground through them.  Ah, Ha!!  Here’s the key.  To be FULLY GROUNDED you, Divine One in Human Form, are meant to ground your energy like a TRIPOD – down through your legs, yes — but also down through the Root Channel from the Root Chakra to your Earth Star.
Look how stable a kangaroo is standing on 2 feet and 1 tail.  Think how much more stable you would be if you were standing on 2 feet and an additional column of energy.
The Root Chakra is the start of your energy root that is meant to ground you more fully.  When you ground as a tripod, you can be more fully connected to the Earth.
Why is this important?  Because the Earth is our Spiritual and Physical Mother.  All the “substances” in our physical body come from the Earth.   Without the assistance and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE of our EARTH MOTHER, we can not be here on the Earth Plane.
If you are intent on creating your reality in a new way, you need the assistance of Mother Earth and of the elemental beings whose job it is to transform your thoughtform (idea) into a physical state.
The Matrix of Reality is Divine Love
The underlying energy matrix of all reality is constructed from Divine Love or Love Without Conditions.  Therefore, if you intend to CONSCIOUSLY CREATE, the first step is grounding into the Earth.
When you bring your I Am Presence fully down into your Root Chakra and then down the Root Channel and your legs into the Earth Star Chakra and then, with her permission, into the Heart of Mother Earth, you are consciously creating the linkage necessary to empower all of your Divine Creations.
Earth Mother then sends her Divine Love expression (energy) up through your feet and root channel to support your process.  You are fully connected and grounded and receiving Divine Love fully from your Mother.
Talk about being (and feeling) fully supported!!!
Overcoming Fear
Since the Root Chakra is associated with survival and trust issues, please consider that when you are fully Rooted, fully Grounded, and fully open to receive the Divine Love of your Earth Mother, then you are in a stronger, more powerful place from which to eliminate fear.
So step #1 to eliminating fear is GROUNDING the Divine Love that you have in your Heart Center and the Divine Consciousness of your I AM Presence through your ROOT CHANNEL and both your feet.
Then to begin to eliminate fear from your life, wrap your fear in Unconditional Love, limitless Love, Infinite Love, and watch your fear dissolve.
Invite your “ego” or your inner child (the little boy or girl inside you who is afraid of taking risks, having adventures, and expanding into higher consciousenss) to come into your arms.  Wrap that child up in Divine Love.  Observe what happens.
Nedda Wittels, M.A., M.S., is a world renowned telepathic Animal Communicator, Light Workers, and Shamballa Master, and Teacher offering private sessions in distance telepathic communication with animals, energy/intuitive healing for humans and animals, akashic record consultations, and spiritual empowerment coaching. She can be reached at 860-651-5771 or at http://www.RaysofHealingLight.com

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