Monday 29 April 2013

Business Portraits – An Easy Way To Create A Great First Impression!

Business Portraits – An Easy Way To Create A Great First Impression!

It is extremely important to have professional business portraits for promotional and marketing purposes for a person or business. In some fields it is essential to have a head-shot such as being a lawyer, doctor, sales person or a realtor. You really need a professionally done image of yourself for others to take notice. This meaningless detail for some people, might mean the difference between getting a new customer or losing it to the competition. A solid first impression makes a big difference and if the first impression people get of you is not 100%, it is very hard to change people`s minds.

Reflecting your personality


All kinds of people from all professions want to get a business portrait done. A portrait is a part of your branding. So it has to reflect the business you are in, your industry and your own personality. A jazz musician will not have the same type of business portrait done then a lawyer or a banker. If you are a lawyer, you want to be taken seriously and you don`t want the style a musician might go with.


The first thing is to figure out who you are and what do you represent, then convey this to your photographer. He or she will work with the backgrounds, the posing, the lights and angles to make this happen. Finding the most suitable photographer is also crucial. You can do a search for “business portraits in Los Angeles“  to find the most suitable photographer!

Choosing the most suitable pose


It can be really tricky to find the best pose that works for you and helps you stand out. For you to stand out, your pose needs to be flattering. Certain angles and poses make a person look really classy and fantastic, while other poses and angles do the opposite. A professional photographer can quickly figure out what works best for you and what poses and angles to use.

Do not get caught up with trends


It is really great to have a lot of options and these days there are lots of options available. You can make your business portrait really different and make it stand out. But if you are not going to update your business portrait every year, it is not very smart to opt for any trendy styles. Some styles might be in fashion at the moment but out of fashion 1-2 years from now. The focus needs to be on you, not necessarily the clothes you wear.


Details do matter! If you are planning to do a professional business portrait then take it seriously because first impressions count. I am sure if you searched for “business portraits in Orange county“ you would make your first impression based on the business portrait. So if you are building a business and really want it to be successful, then make sure you get the details right as well. Lots of people focus very little on how they present themselves and although they might have great products, they don`t make an impression.


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